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Risha Rox

Guest User
Risha Rox

SeeMe, Squarespace & Chashama are proud to present our selected artist for the 2017 Exhibition: Risha Rox.

One can say that Risha Rox is a painter.  But this is too small a box.  One can say that Risha Rox comments on the human experience via the human form.  But this isn't saying enough.  


Risha Rox is an artist, a storyteller, and a maker of magic.


Risha Rox is an artist who is somehow able to produce a work of art, a story, and a performance that pulls the amazing magic trick of telling her own personal narrative as well as that of her model and the cosmos, all at once.   


Risha Rox paints on bodies.


Her latest series "Heavenly Bodies" feels both personal and explosive.  It explores the cosmos from a very human perspective.  The series seems to express her innermost feelings while also telling the story of the stars in bursting colors that feel like a rich parable.   


Because her work is painted predominantly on the bodies of young people of African descent and her canvases can move and breathe, the stories she weaves seems to speak to so much that is vital and strained and beautiful and hard in this American moment.  

It's rare to come upon an artist with such a singular vision that is as halting in its power as it is delicate in its detail.  We are honored to present Risha Rox, her work, and her story in this year's exhibition in Times Square.




Risha's Story

My name is Risha Rox and I'm a Los Angeles based visual artist.

Corporealism, as I have titled my interdisciplinary painting/sculpting/installation art practice, engages a contemporary iteration of two most ancient art forms: body adornment and storytelling. The human form is the most enduring and fascinating of artistic subjects. Through Corporeal paintings on flesh, subject becomes breathing, talking, testifying canvas; a living testimony to what was, what is and what may be!

My subjects are most often drawn from my direct community of friends, loved ones and creative collaborators. I like to work with people with whom I am familiar as it is actually a melding of my and their inner landscapes that I am applying to their outer layer. I choose people whose being will radiate, even through the many layers of paint. The realtime ritual of adornment takes place in the moment. This moment is then often documented through photography and/or video.