CAROL BOUYOUCOS solo show, 2022


Carol Greenan Bouyoucos’ work embodies not a fall from grace…

As in Milton’s “Paradise Lost,” but a Paradise Found during a time of personal change and reflection, with nature as a muse and with no fruit forbidden. Bouyoucos creates immersive photomontages, layering turn-of-the-century images with her lush digital representations of the natural world. With a poet’s eye, she mines her own travels as well as historic prints and photographs to create environments that are both actual and fantastical. From hyper-real flowers to tropical trees dripping with moss, her montages entice viewers to linger.


about the artist:

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"Much of my work is inspired by the early landscape, portraiture, and botanical art. Weaving historical imagery into the narrative embeds a feeling of nostalgia, whereas working within a digital platform invites us to reconsider our perception of the story. I live on a Sanctuary property, and observing nature daily through the lens, I have begun to notice the cumulative changes in the landscape. The geography has almost a prehistoric feeling - vines out of control choking great trees, invasive plants that spill over paths and highways. Trees with weakened root masses are ripped from the ground during storms and left in the aftermath. I find the natural world to be ferocious, rebellious, and fascinating." 

Carol Bouyoucos' work is influenced by artists such as Thomas Cole, Frederick Edwin Church, and the botanist Robert John Thornton, whose work illustrates an America inspired by expansionism into the American West in the late 19th century.  read more


lower east side, Manhattan, New York

134 orchard St, New York, NY


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