"I visualize and think with keen beliefs and insights—a reflection of human and social concerns which cross emotional boundaries, communicating that which is unspoken. My traditional art foundations of drawing, painting, and printmaking evolved into video, digital photography, and experimental media. I use digital photography and imaging to envision the concepts originating from the creative pulse." - Nancy Bechtol
Nancy has a diverse history of over 50 years as an artist, filmmaker, inspired educator, and American Press Association (APA) freelance photojournalist. Earning an MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in Time Arts - mentored by media/video founder Phil Morton. Additionally, MA in Education from the Loyola University of Chicago. And BA Roosevelt University, while influenced by the legendary "Hairy Who" as a painting student of Don Baum. Her fine art and films have been in local, national, and international venues ranging from museums to galleries and social networking sites to obscure underground locations.
Within her career, she has received recognition. She has won different prizes within the industry: the NEA Midwest Regional Fellowship, The Illinois Arts Council Fellowship, Tokyo International Award, and The American Film Institute Award.
She has several films listed on the Internet Movie Database. IMDb. Her indie-featured films, "Free Speech & the Transcendent Journey of Chris Drew, Street Artist," and "The Last Hippie Freak, by the Beard of Lee Groban," are current works in Photo/Digital Paintings. During the Pandemic, COVID19 times of hunkering down and introspection gave rise to daily social media postings on Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin of a new series of "kaleidoscopic mindsets" mainly produced with her cell phone.
Learn more about the artist: Nancy Bechtol Portfolio