Nigal Goodship
![Nigal Goodship](
“Flaneur photography, now known more commonly as street photography, has many different interpretations. Walk and look or sit and wait are two ways photographers work.”
Nigal Goodship was born in 1968 in Birmingham (England). He discovered photography at the age of ten using Kodak Instamatic. Still, he never took it seriously until 2009, when due to illness in 2004 could no longer work in manual labor due to an accident in the workplace.
Going back into education, Nigal rediscovered photography with a movement into abstract expressionism, following painters like Frank Auerbach, Francis Bacon, as well as more modern photographers, Annie Leibovitz, Robert Doisneau, and William Eggleston.
In 2008-09 Nigal Goodship studied at the Dudley College of technology visual media. Then in 2009-12, at the University of Wolverhampton contemporary photographic practice, where he experimented with more abstract photographic images, graduating in 2012, having exhibited artworks in Italy, the USA, Portugal, and the important capitals like Paris and London.
Nigal has been involved with other galleries in the Venice art festivals. His work follows both a traditional idea of photographic practice and a more expressionist painter's view.