“Nature is the source of my inspiration , it is my cozy-corner a place to be soothedand healed, and to put my thoughts and emotions in order. From spring’s hopeful new blooms and fall’s exquisite array of colors to winter’s magic and summer’s energy, each season. abounds with different types of natural beauty to explore and admire.”
Afsaneh Javanmard, a dedicated artist, found her true calling in photography, a field that ignited her passion and brought profound fulfillment. Starting as a self-taught photographer, she quickly realized that capturing moments through the lens not only brought her happiness but also paved the way for a bright future. Believing in the transformative power of one's passion, Afsaneh decided to further her education, earning a degree in digital art photography. Continuously pushing her creative limits, she experiments daily, ensuring her artistic journey remains dynamic and ever-evolving.
Inspired by the vast canvas of nature, her muse, she finds solace and healing in its embrace, utilizing it as a sanctuary to organize and convey her thoughts and emotions. Each season, from the hopeful blooms of spring to the vibrant hues of fall, the enchantment of winter, and the energy of summer, provides a unique palette of natural beauty for exploration and admiration.
With a goal to engage the viewer, she invites them on a visual journey through her images. Her intention is to lead, allowing their eyes to traverse and make discoveries within the intricate tapestry of her art.
Midnight Bloom, photography, 2018.