Interview with John Powell
“The emotional and psychological content of my subject, the way the body expresses its emotion, it contextualizes the concepts of the duality of the meaning of the imagery. My style is an expression of my philosophy which becomes a language using Post Modern, Expressionism, Latin American Tradition, Surrealism, and soft Classism.”
John Powell's work conveys a deep awareness of global issues informed and balanced by his own cultural heritage. His inspiration originates from literature and spiritual pursuit and his hope is that his visual language will initiate a cosmic dialogue between painting and viewer.
John Powell:
“My art speaks in the future tense; it informs the emotional and psychological aspects of humanity.”
Inspired by Powell's vision, we asked him some questions about his practice - here is what he told us:
Tell us about how you decided to become an artist and why?
God chose me to be an artist.
What influences you the most when you are in the process of creating new artwork?
The influence is the same in the process of making, it is the same expressive energy as the work, transfused between energies.
Which artists are you most inspired and influenced by?
Leonardo for his inventiveness and Henri Matisse.
What was, or is, an artwork you especially enjoyed creating and why?
The "Seven Seals of God," entitled: "7", because of the duality of the meaning of the symbols.
How does your art create meaning or deliver your message?
I look for the emotional and psychological content of my subject; the issue is how I contextualize the concepts of the duality of the meaning of the imagery.
Does your work relate to racial and/or identity themes? If so, how?
I don’t denote racial identity intentionally, I am more concerned with humanity.
Do you aim to create a social impact or engender any change in the art world and the world in general?
The social impact is ‘Peace’. The changes [I hope for] in the art world: are ‘to see Differently’. My art speaks in the future tense and it changes as time passes. It addresses old questions, raises new questions, and helps to guide ‘Visions’. It doesn't seek to distort ‘Reality’ it is reality.
What is the best way to get the word out and make those changes happen?
My art brings love into the world, as I am a painter of peace.
Do you have a dream project? What might that be?
My #1 dream project: To finish the Four Angels standing at the four corners of the Earth), protecting the Earth from destruction. My #2 goal is to have museum shows.